SOS First Aid

SOS First Aid

By Martha Luz Rodriguez Leal

  • Category: Medical
  • Release Date: 2011-10-25
  • Current Version: 1.4
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • File Size: 134.94 MB
  • Developer: Martha Luz Rodriguez Leal
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.1 or later.


SOS First Aid is a very easy first aid manual with some basics concepts and steps of what to do in an emergency, with direct access to first aid, it also contains First Aid Kit Photos and procedures explained in videos. Features: -Videos -Photos First Aid Kit -Information -First Aid -Anaphylaxis -Animal Bites -Bandages -Black Eye -Bleeding -Blisters -Burns -Car Accidents -Chemical Burns -Chemical Splash in the Eye -Chest Pain -Choking -Concussion -Corneal Abrasion (Scratch) -CPR Child 1-8 year old -CPR Infant Under 1 year old -Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) -Cuts and Scrapes -Deliver a Baby -Diabetes Emergency -Dislocation -Drowning (Out of the Water) -Drowning (in The Water) -Electrical Burns -Electrical Shock -Fainting -Fever -Foodborne Illness -Inhaled Objects -Swallowed Object -Foreign Object in the Ear -Foreign Object in the Nose -Foreign Object in the Skin -Fractures -Frostbite -Gastroenteritis -Gunshot -Headache -Head Trauma -Heart Attack -Heat Cramps -Heat Exhaust -Heat Stroke -Hypothermia -Infant Choking -Insect Bites -Insulin Overdose -Heimlich Maneuver -Motion Sickness -Sterilizing Needle -Nosebleeding -Nuclear Disaster -Poisoning -Puncture Wounds -Shock -Snake Bite -Spider Bites -Spinal Injury -Sprain -Stroke -Sunburn -Tick Bites -Toothache -Vomiting S.O.S First Aid Serves to increase the knowledge of first aid for people of all ages, knowing how to act in an emergency could save your life and your loved ones. The information in this app is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified health care provider. Comments, Suggestions and Technical Support Contact us at

